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Untitled 1 7 Webbing Designs

When ‘Tropicana’ revised its logo design, there was a tremendous backlash from consumers who felt the original emblem was adequate and the transformation was unwanted and uncalled for. What unfolded later was that you couldn’t do much with a drink whose flavor is dominated by a specific ingredient in terms of modifying it. The flavor was the rationale why the buyer chose the product in the first place. When customers don’t demand a change in taste, a logo modification that they’ve learned to correlate with their favorite brand would be really unwelcome.

The question here is why a logo redesign would effect a business thus!

Let me start at the beginning. Evolution occurs in the ‘E-Commerce’ world precisely as it does in the physical world. As society changes, you’ll need to customize your central components to stay on top of the fashion and remain viable, but logo design is unique and different from other promotional tools such that they function as an identification mark for the company, not playing a large role in the process of selling the products to customers.

Logos help with product awareness and recall, and they should play an essential role by expressing your philosophy instead of being an accessory on which you spend a lot of money only to show off. Countless enterprises make the error of revising their logo simply because the old design has been there for a considerable length of time and they assume it needs replacing now.

That’s not really how a logo ought to be; it should indeed be changed, but only if there are compelling reasons to do so. Numerous advertising agencies are oblivious to these modifications and do not comply with the standards.

Here are a few factors to look for in your ‘logo’ to determine whether or not a redesign is truly necessary;

It Just Doesn’t Have the Aura as Other Brands’ Logos in the Competition;

Since your company initially went underway, you had to manage with the resource base you had at that stage, which might have resulted in a preliminary logo design that was sufficient to get things started, but as your business expands, you’ll need to upgrade your logo to make it more attractive than your rival companies’. This is sometimes the most effective way to determine whether to go for a logo improvise or not, as other variables can be worked over or brushed aside. Nevertheless, when you’re in a competitive rivalry, it is prudent to go for a logo upgrade or, if necessary, a totally new one to get one step ahead of your competitors and enhance your corporate image and leave a quite impressionable mark on the customer.

Issues/Limitations with the Existing Logo’s Technicality;

The technical features of a logo are one of the most basic reasons to revamp or modify it. Inspect your logo to see if it retains its picture quality when enlarged, or if it is too variegated, costlier to be printed by the company. Challenges such as this indicate to the need for a slight redesign of the logo to maximize its technical feasibility in a variety of formats.

Should Be Consistent and Precise With Your Company’s Existing Vision/Objectives;

While contemplating a logo design makeover, it’s imperative to go further into the philosophy and rationale behind the original logo’s formation. Corporations have a history of changing through the ages, and they may eventually wind up doing something completely distinct than what they originated with.

It might be the addition of new products to the foray or an ideal branding strategy that the company straddled owing to experimenting in order to expand its client base. Whenever searching for logo design changes, make sure your current logo isn’t too dissimilar from the philosophy that underpins your current operations.


Redesigning your logo is a great method to represent a major shift in your company, launch a new name, or even reconnect with your target audience if your current brand isn’t doing so successfully, but only when it’s a dire need and effects your business viability and performance.

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